
又名:捉“鬼”记 / North by Northeast

上映日期:2015-12-11(中国大陆) / 2018-03-23(中国大陆部分区域) / 2014-10-25(东京电影节)片长:103分钟

主演:班赞 李滨 呈让 战鹤文 吴优 刘韦伯 陈端 张优 郭辉 

导演:张秉坚 / 编剧:袁大举 Daju Yuan/张秉坚 Bingjian Zhang





Plot Summary:This is a story about a policeman trying to catch "LIUMANG" (rapist in Chinese). It came from a series of rape cases, which occurred in Northeast region of China two years after the "Cultural Revolution". Captain Li Zhanshan was not a professionally trained police; had limited scout "experience" in the army and an enthusiasm of becoming a hero. The movie began with the impotent Li Zhanshan who met the Chinese medicine professor Cai Bin at the crime scene, and started a difficult and complicated journey of crime solving. Conflicts arose due to the differences in their ideas, and the rapist was able to escape one time after another. Finally, Cai Bin returned to the city after being injured; while Li Zhanshan took off his police uniform and started to sell Tofu instead. Chance contrives better than we ourselves, the aphrodisiac wine solved Li Zhanshan's impotency, and "Tofu Li" accidentally discovered that his fugitive was just a step away from him...
在东北地带,性侵案件频发,却始终抓不到罪犯,甚至没人能看清罪犯真容。公安队长李占山(班赞 饰)对刑侦知识没有太多认识,徒有一腔破案热情,对恶行深恶痛疾。当他遇见劳改下放的中医老教授蔡滨(李滨 饰),并与她成为破案搭档,大老粗搭档知识分子,英雄遭遇书生,彼此就成为了对方最大的问题,新鲜组合妙趣横生。在土方法和科学推理不断碰撞不断磨合下,诸多证据逐一浮现,来无影去无踪的罪犯也渐渐清晰。   灵感启发自真实事件,抓流氓抓出一段旧时代人情义理之故事。情节曲折丌过丐道颠沛,巧合中洞见丐事之必然不偶然。让人笑也让人叹。
