唤醒死者 第九季(2011)


主演:特雷沃·伊芙 苏·乔斯顿 塔拉·菲茨杰拉德 

导演:马克·约布斯特 / 

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唤醒死者 第九季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Sarah Cavendish, who had to leave the anti-terrorist squad for undisclosed reasons, joins Boyd's team as they reopen the case of banker Donald Rees, missing for three years. They speak to his wife Julie, who has terminal cancer and her children Miranda and Toby, who report seeing an elderly couple in funeral black stalking them when Donald vanished. They learn that the Rees' other daughter died of cancer due to radiation at a local hospital. CCTV from 2007 reveals that the old couple approached Donald just before he disappeared, drawing out 100,000 pounds from the bank. They were the Geigers, who lost a son at the same hospital in the late 1980s and whose skeletons the team find. Then their house is torched, killing the policewoman guarding it.
博伊德警探带领着一支由多名警探和科学专家组成队伍,专门调查早已被人遗忘的陈年积案。   有了先进的科学技术,加上专业的法医知识和心理专家的分析做武器,他们相信自己一定能够所向披靡。然而事情远没有那么简单,旧案中证物的保存状况堪忧不说,看尽人间冷暖的警员和不通人情事故的科学家配合起来也 是矛盾重重。而博伊德警探为什么对那些陈年旧事耿耿于怀,无法放下?他似乎也有着自己的秘密。   但不管怎么说,这些人都有着一腔热情,为着同一个目标一起努力着,为打击罪犯执行正义贡献着一己之力。
