荒川爆笑团 电影版荒川アンダー ザ ブリッジ THE MOVIE(2012)

又名:Arakawa Under the Bridge The Movie / 荒川爆笑团 真人电影版


主演:林遣都 桐谷美玲 城田优 片濑那奈 安倍夏美 手塚通 有坂来瞳 德永绘里 高岛政宏 浅野和之 平沼纪久 骏河太郎 上川隆也 井上和香 小栗旬 山田孝之 

导演:饭塚健 / 编剧:饭塚健 Ken Iizuka/中村光 Hikaru Nakamura

荒川爆笑团 电影版:在线播放

荒川爆笑团 电影版:最新迅雷BT资源

日期 资源名称
2022-11-05 arakawa.under.the.bridge.2012.1080p.web-dl.h264.aa
日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 Arakawa Under the Bridge 2012 JAP DVDRip x264 AC3-
日期 资源名称
2022-11-05 arakawa.under.the.bridge.2012.2160p.web-dl.h264.aa

荒川爆笑团 电影版:最新字幕下载

荒川爆笑团 电影版:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Kou Ichinomiya comes from a wealthy family and his father runs a famous company. Kou is smart enough to already run several high-flying firms. From an early age Kou's father taught him to never owe anybody anything. Because of this, when he does owe someone something he will suffer an asthma attack. He's obsessed with never becoming in debt to another person. One day, Kou falls into the Arakawa River and is saved by homeless girl Nino (Mirei Kiritani). Kou is in debt to Nino for saving his life. With his obsession over never owing something to another person, Kou asks Nino if there is any way he can pay her back. The girl doesn't want anything. Kou persists in paying back his debt to her and finally Nino asks Kou to love her. Kou will then start to live under the Arakawa River bridge with Nino and other homeless persons.
家族大企业市之宫集团计划将荒川河附近的大片土地开发,建成高档住宅区。该集团社长市之宫积(上川隆也 饰)严肃强势,他命令自己的儿子——毕业于名牌大学的精英大学生阿行(林遣都 饰)想办法遣散赖在当地不走的顽固分子。阿行信心满满,可是刚到荒川河就遭三个打扮怪异的人打劫,裤子被扔到桥的上面。关键时刻,自称来自 金星的美丽女孩小珊(桐谷美玲 饰)帮助了阿行,并救了他的命。秉承着“决不欠人情”的家训,阿行执意报答小珊,小珊则要求和他谈一场恋爱。此后的日子里,阿行住进了这个只有13个人却净是打扮奇特的怪人的川地村。在与他们碰撞和相处的过程中,阿行固有的想法渐渐发生转变……   本片根据中村光的同名漫画改编,是TV版的电影剪辑版。
