女神异闻录4Persona 4: The Animation(2011)

又名:Persona4 the ANIMATION / P4A

主演:浪川大辅 森久保祥太郎 堀江由衣 小清水亚美 关智一 钉宫理惠 朴璐美 山口胜平 石冢运升 神田朱未 大原沙耶香 悠木碧 真殿光昭 小野大辅 杉田智和 代永翼 龙谷修武 田之中勇 

导演:岸诚二 / 松本刚彦 / 小坂春女 / 铃木薰 / 政木伸一 / 镰仲史阳 / 田口智久 / 吉川浩司 / 小林孝志 / 清水一伸 / 北川正人 / 平井义通 / 土屋康郎 / 西本由纪夫 / 森义博 / 葛谷直行 / 松本正幸 / 



日期 资源名称
2021-09-01 【720p高清中文字幕】女神异闻录4 persona 4: the animation迅雷下载.20



Plot Summary:Yu Narukami has moved from Tokyo to Inaba to stay with his uncle and cousin, while his parents are away on business. However, after a murder shakes up the sleepy town, things get even more crazy when he discovers the mysterious "Midnight Channel," and that he has the even more mysterious ability to enter TVs. Accompanied by his disbelieving friends, Yu discovers another world inside the TVs, that seems to be connected with the murder. They also discover the ability to summon 'Persona', their 'other selves', whose power they can use to fight the shadows that inhabit the TV world. The murders, the Midnight Channel, the world inside the TV, and Persona. Yu and his friends fight to figure out how they're connected, and to solve the case before it's too late.
《女神异闻录 4》是《女神转生》外传《女神异闻录》系列最新作,由前作《女神异闻录 3》原班人马制作,承袭高中校园生活 + 神秘灵异事件主题,并采用全新故事。   游戏以前作 2 年后的日本乡村小镇“稻羽市”为舞台,玩家将扮演刚转学到稻羽市八十神高中 2 年级的主角,在追查神秘连续杀人事件时,潜在的“PERSONA”能力觉醒,同时也开启了进入异世界的大门,与其他 PERSONA 召唤者一同挑战神秘的迷宫。   游戏承袭前作的基本系统并加以强化,结合校园冒险与迷宫战斗 2 大部分。冒险部分将让玩家体验与形形色色的夥伴结交与互动的过程;战斗部分则让玩家与夥伴组队深入本作全新登场的乱数产生迷宫,发挥各自的 PERSONA 之力对抗异世界的神秘怪物。
