远古外星人 第九季Ancient Aliens(2014)

主演:罗伯特·克洛特沃西 Giorgio A. Tsoukalos David Childress 

导演:Kaylan Eggert / 

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远古外星人 第九季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Could the darkest recesses of our planet contain important information left by our ancient ancestors? And within Earth's mysterious caves, might we find evidence of otherworldly contact? Throughout human history, some caves have been considered sacred places for spiritual encounter and enlightenment, while others have been feared as true portals to purgatory. What happens in these subterranean spaces that has the power to influence religions around the globe? Could some of Earth's deepest caverns be secret conduits to supernatural realms? In Charma, India, archaeologists recently discovered 10,000 year-old prehistoric artwork of what appears to be extraterrestrial beings. Could these paintings be a visual record of alien encounters in the distant past?
01-禁洞Forbidden Caves   02-狮身人面像之谜Mysteries of the Sphinx   03-外星人就在身边Aliens Among Us   04-天才要素The Genius Factor   05-木乃伊之谜Secrets of the Mummies   06-外星复活术Alien Resurrections   07-外星人的信息Alien Messages   08-大洪水The Great Flood   09-外星人与内战Aliens and the Civil War   10-隐藏的金字塔Hidden Pyramids   11-神秘失踪The Vanishings   12-外星计划The Alines Agenda
