
又名:蛛网宫堡 / 神箭杀霸王 / Throne of Blood


主演:三船敏郎 山田五十铃 志村乔 久保明 太刀川宽 千秋实 佐佐木孝丸 清水元 高堂国典 上田吉二郎 三好荣子 浪花千荣子 富田仲次郎 藤木悠 堺左千夫 大友伸 土屋嘉男 稻叶义男 谷晃 泽村伊纪雄 佐田丰 恩田清二郎 高木新平 小池朝雄 加藤武 高木均 大村千吉 大友纯 木村功 宫口精二 中村伸郎 

导演:黑泽明 / 编剧:黑泽明 Akira Kurosawa/小国英雄 Hideo Oguni/菊岛隆三 Ryûzô Kikushima/桥本忍 Shinobu Hashimoto/威廉·莎士比亚 William Shakespeare




日期 资源名称
2022-10-05 Throne.Of.Blood.1957 蜘蛛巢城精校繁中字幕
2021-05-21 蜘蛛巢城 Throne of Blood CC版.srt
2021-05-21 蜘蛛巢城 Throne of Blood
2021-05-21 [蜘蛛巢城].Throne.Of.Blood.1957.1080p.Blu-ray.AVC.LPCM
2020-06-19 蜘蛛巢城 Throne of Blood CC版.srt
2020-05-30 蜘蛛巢城 Throne of Blood
2020-03-10 [蜘蛛巢城].Throne.Of.Blood.1957.1080p.Blu-ray.AVC.LPCM
2019-05-12 throne.of.blood.1957.1080p.bluray.x264-cinefile


Plot Summary:After securing a major victory on the battlefield, Taketoti Washizu and one of his commanders, Yoshiaki Miki, find themselves lost in the maze-like Spider's Web forest. They come across a spirit-like seer who tells them of their future: both have been promoted because of their victory that day; Washizu will someday be the Great Lord of the Spider's Web castle while Miki's son will someday rule as Great Lord as well. When they arrive at the castle, they learn that the first part of the prophecy is correct. Washizu has no desire to become Great Lord but his ambitious wife urges him to reconsider. When the current Great Lord makes a surprise visit to his garrison outpost, Washizu is again promoted to commander of his vanguard but his wife reminds him of the danger that comes with the position. As pressure mounts, Wahizu takes action leading to its inevitable conclusion.
一串悲凉的歌声诉说着蜘蛛城的历史预言。战国时期,处于密林围抱的蜘蛛城,地形复杂,敌军攻来此地,必然迷路,因此城主稳坐城楼,指挥若定,四面排出大将御敌,可保此城固若金汤。大将鹫津武时(三船敏郎 Toshiro Mifune 饰)和副将三木因为平叛得力,准备回城领赏。途中,二人阴错阳差走入了密林深处,偶遇一白发老妪弹琴吟唱。他们觉得此事蹊跷,怀疑是敌方故布疑阵,因此上前以武力逼其就范。但此人却预言鹫津将夺城主之位,三木之子也将继承大统,正当两人将信将疑之时,此人化作一道白光销声匿迹。此后,回到城中,鹫津做了北城城主,但念及预言,心有不甘,于是在妻子浅茅的怂恿下,弑君,自立为蜘蛛巢城城主,然而这才只是预言的开始……
